
Tag: hillary clinton (page 20)

Hillary and Bill Clinton's Tax Returns Released

Hillary and Bill Clinton released their tax returns today for the years 2000 to 2007. Previous years had already been released.

The Clintons have now made public thirty years of tax returns, a record matched by few people in public service. None of Hillary Clinton's presidential opponents have revealed anything close to this amount of personal financial information.

What the Clintons' tax returns show is that they paid more than $33,000,000 in federal taxes and donated more than $10,000,000 to charities over the past eight years. They paid taxes and made charitable contributions at a higher rate than taxpayers at their income level.

The individual tax returns are available at the above link. Now, let's talk about John McCain:

Following Clinton's tax return release, DNC Communications Director Karen Finney released a statement "on John McCain's 26 year history of refusing to release his tax returns":

"While both Democratic candidates for president have released several years worth of full federal tax returns, John McCain has not. As a self-professed champion of disclosure and ethics, John McCain should explain why for the past 26 years he has not seen fit to provide this important financial information to voters. Presidential candidates have disclosed several years worth of returns for decades, John McCain stands as a disturbing exception."

Update: Comments at 200, thread now closed.

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New PA Poll: Hillary Ahead by 11 Points

A new PA poll by Muhlenberg College and the Morning Call show Hillary ahead by 11 points. Full poll results are here.

Key findings:

1. With the Pennsylvania Presidential Primary under three weeks away, Senator Hillary Clinton maintains a double digit lead over Senator Obama in the Democratic race.

2. Democratic voters in the Keystone State were most likely to rank the economy as the key issue in terms of their vote in the Democratic Primary, with the Iraq War and health care also prominently mentioned.

3. Pennsylvania Democrats have generally favorable views of both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. However, Obama receives a larger percentage of unfavorable ratings than Clinton among likely voters in the state.

4. Keystone State Democrats are evenly divided on which of their candidates is more likely to beat John McCain in the general election.

5. Democratic voters in the Commonwealth are more likely to want Hillary Clinton to choose Barack Obama as her running mate than they are to support Obama choosing Clinton as his Vice President.

6. A majority of Democratic voters in Pennsylvania do not believe Hillary Clinton should drop out of the race if she loses the Pennsylvania Primary.


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Hillary on Tonight Show with Jay Leno Tonight

Hillary will be on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno tonight. Fox News has a wrapup.

A regular on Letterman this campaign season, Hillary Clinton took a seat on the couch of his Los Angeles Late Night Rival — and took her share of good natured lumps. In an intro at the top of the show, she did a sketch skewering her 3am phone call ad, fielding a call from Leno asking her to appear on the show before saying “we’ve GOT to get caller ID.

And in the monologue, Leno mocked her recent Rocky Balboa infatuation, saying “We have the Italian stallion on the show tonight — Hillary Clinton, ladies and gentlemen.”

She takes on the Bosnia snipers and Rocky:

Walking out to the theme from Rocky, Clinton told Leno she was worried she wouldn’t make the show — saying “I was pinned down by sniper fire.” Leno replied “In LA, that might be true.”

She also talked about Bill's excitability on the campaign trail.

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CBS/NY Times Poll on Issues, Hillary, Obama and McCain

There's probably something to like for everyone in this wide-ranging CBS/New York Times poll of all registered voters (not just Dems). (Full poll results here. (pdf.)

What stood out to me:

  • Those polled who either voted or will vote in Democratic primaries prefer Obama to Hillary, 46% to 43%, a statistical tie. But, Obama fell from 54% in Februrary to 46% in March and April while Hillary rose from 38% to 43%.
  • Obama does better than Hillary with Republicans. His support among Independents and Democrats is down a bit, but it's up among Republicans.
  • Hillary leads Obama in who will do better with the economy and health care.
  • Hillary and Obama both best McCain, with Hillary one point better than Obama. Whiile more people think Obama will win the nomination, they both beat McCain and are essentially tied here. [More...]

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Hillary Agrees to North Carolina Debate

I miss the debates. It looks like we will get at least one more and probably 2. . Hillary Clinton has agreed to a CBS North Carolina debate on April 27, in advance of the state's primary. No final word on whether Obama agreed.

An invitation to debate in Indiana is also pending.

There will be a Philly debate on April 16.

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Poll: Hillary Outperforms Obama Against McCain in OH, FL, PA

Quinnipiac has a new poll out today (Big Tent Democrat's post on it is here.)


New York Sen. Hillary Clinton holds a 50 - 41 percent lead over Illinois Sen. Barack Obama among likely Pennsylvania Democratic primary voters and runs better against Arizona Sen. John McCain, the likely Republican nominee in Pennsylvania, Florida and Ohio, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

By the numbers:

In general election match ups of the three largest and most important swing states in the Electoral College, the survey finds.
  • Florida: Clinton 44 percent - McCain 42 percent; McCain beats Obama 46 - 37 percent;
  • Ohio: Clinton beats McCain 48 - 39 percent; Obama gets 43 percent to McCain's 42 percent;
  • Pennsylvania: Clinton tops McCain 48 - 40 percent; Obama leads McCain 43 - 39 percent.


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Hillary Campaign Chief Sends Memo: Let Everyone Vote

Maggie Williams, Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, has sent out a memo addressing why she's staying in the race. It's very simple. Politico has a copy.

As of today, the citizens of 42 states, the District of Columbia, Democrats Abroad and 2 territories have had an opportunity to vote – and they have exercised that right in overwhelming numbers. But the citizens in Pennsylvania, Guam, North Carolina, Indiana, West Virginia, Oregon, Kentucky, Puerto Rico, Montana and South Dakota have not yet had the opportunity to exercise that fundamental right. Together, this adds up to nearly 43 million Americans. Are their voices any less important than those of the citizens who have already voted?

....The simple fact is that this election is too close to call. After 46 primaries and caucuses, by virtually every measure, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are neck and neck – separated by roughly 130 of the more than 3,100 delegates committed thus far and less than 1% of the 27 million-plus votes cast, including Florida and Michigan. Less than 1%! With hundreds of delegates still uncommitted, neither candidate has reached the number of delegates required to secure the nomination. And either candidate can reach the required number in the coming weeks and months. This is indisputable.


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Late Night: Working Class Hero

John Lennon, r.i.p, would be proud. Yesterday, Hillary Clinton announced a plan for 3 million new jobs.

At the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Convention in Philadelphia, Hillary Clinton announced a plan to create three million new jobs through increased investments in the nation’s infrastructure. Hillary would create these jobs over 10 years by combining emergency initiatives like fixing the immediate safety risks of the I-95 bridge in Philadelphia along with long-term investments to create a greener, sleeker 21st century highway and transit system.

"President Bush has stood by and watched as we've lost 3 million manufacturing jobs. And he’s done nothing about the loopholes in our tax code that actually encourage companies to ship jobs overseas," said Clinton. "It's time for a different approach. I'll fight for every single job in America – and create millions of new, high paying jobs that can’t be outsourced. We're trying to run today’s economy on yesterday’s infrastructure – and we’re jeopardizing tomorrow’s prosperity. So I will rebuild America – by rebuilding, repairing and modernizing our infrastructure."

It's a $7 billion plan of tax incentives to companies that will keep jobs from going overseas. [More...]

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Hillary in PA: Rocky Wouldn't Quit, Neither Will She

Speaking in Philadelphia today, Hillary Clinton says she's like Rocky Balboa -- he wouldn't quit and neither will she. From her prepared speech:

One thing you know about me is that when I say I’ll fight for you, I’ll fight for you. I know that there will be hurdles and setbacks between now and November. But I also know that I’m ready. I know what it’s like to stumble. I know what it means to get knocked down. But I’ve never stayed down, and I never will.

....[J]ust as it’s getting time to vote here in Pennsylvania, Senator Obama says he’s getting tired of it. His supporters say they want it to end. Well, could you imagine if Rocky Balboa had gotten half way up those Art Museum steps and said, “Well, I guess that’s about far enough?”


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More Support for Hillary

Update: 10:30 pm MT: She's over $3 million now. That's $85,000.00 in the past hour alone. Thanks in part go to TL readers who contributed (see comments below), you helped push her over the top.


For the past three days, Hillary Clinton has been fundraising online with a goal of raising $3 million by midnight, the end of the fundraising quarter. Right now, she's at $2,915,000. $1 million a day for someone the media is counting as down and out isn't bad.

Maya Angelou has a new post up at Hillary's site as part of part of a series in celebration of Women's History Month. The theme: Rise, Hillary, Rise.

She begins with a poem:

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.

She adds,

This is not the first time you have seen Hillary Clinton seemingly at her wits end, but she has always risen, always risen, much to the dismay of her adversaries and the delight of her friends.


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The Delegate Race Isn't Over

Jerome Armstrong at MyDD explains why Hillary Clinton has some lifelines open to her in terms of the pledged delegate count and the upcoming ten races.

First, in Hillary's Own words, watch the video:

As Jerome says, Hillary sounds ready to go to the mat over Florida and Michigan. But,there's other options open to her as well. Jerome writes: [More...]

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Hillary Says Obama's Economic Plan Mirrors Hers but Lacks Specifics

I'm on Hillary Clinton's media conference call right now. The theme was her new economic stimulus plan vs. the one Barack Obama announced today.

Shorter version: Obama's a copycat. One week ago, Hillary proposed a $30 billion second stimulus plan. Today he introduced a $30 billion second stimulus plan. If he can't come up with his own proposals on the campaign trail, how will he do it as president?

Her plans are specific proposals, his are a statement of principles. (More here.)

They accused Obama's campaign of negative personal and character attacks on Hillary Clinton and of savaging her in personal terms on his daily campaign calls.

Polls show Obama isn't connecting with voters on the economy so he's now offering ideas, but they are ideas she proposed a week ago. That's not leadership, that's followership.

Reporter question about the Anti-Italian slur by Wright in Trumpet Magazine: They don't know anything about it. A reporter describes it. "Comments like that have no place in the public discourse."


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